Carpeted mats can help your business stay clean and soft underfoot.
Floor mats are an integral part of the safety and sanitation practices for businesses in almost every industry. Anti-fatigue mats make it safer and more comfortable for employees who have to stand for long hours. Anti-slip mats, ranging from the types you’ll find in locker room showers to the logo variety in the entrance to most stores, help protect everyone from slip-and-fall accidents (and help protect your business from liability.) But what about carpeted mats? Can they also help your business? Yes, carpeted mats can help your business in various ways – read on to learn more!
Improve The Look Of Your Business
Carpeted floor mats look really nice in most businesses. They create a welcoming entrance, help dampen loud foot traffic, and can be a great location for branding. Nicely designed and maintained floor mats show that your business cares about both the big picture and the small details.
Keep Floors Cleaner
Shoes are so dirty that they are gross to think about. Studies have repeatedly shown that the average shoe has many, many different contaminants, often including E. coli bacteria, and about 90% of those on average get transferred to indoor walking surfaces. High-quality floor mats, especially carpeted ones, can help trap those contaminants and keep them from spreading further into your business. And since carpeted floor mats can easily be covered by a Grizzly Mats service contract so that they are picked up and cleaned (unlike the rest of your floors), those contaminants can become nothing more than a memory. Additionally, carpeted floor mats can trap dirt and other debris that would otherwise end up on your floors, helping to keep them looking cleaner throughout the day.
Save You Money
Carpeted floor mats can save you money in both time and supplies spent on keeping your floors clean. Since the floor mats trap most of the dirt, debris, and bacteria that get tracked in, your employees can spend less time cleaning the floor and more time doing their jobs. You also will save money in the long haul by not having to repair or replace damaged flooring as often and in liability for slip-and-fall accidents.
Contact Grizzly Mats for Floor Mat Services!
Grizzly Mats LLC serves the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area and all commercial businesses in the U.S. Our mission is to provide all customers with proper floor mat products and service while building long-lasting relationships through respect, honesty, and our undivided attention. Our goal is to provide all of our customers with the highest quality mat products that will maintain a safe and professional-looking environment throughout their facilities.
See our contact page, call us at 410-671-0943, or email us at [email protected] for more information on our floor mat services or our towels, aprons, wet and dust mops, and air freshener services. Visit our Grizzly Mats Online Marketplace to find all kinds of mats for purchase. Last but not least, don’t forget to visit us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest!