Frontier Mat


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The Frontier mat is an unbacked vinyl-loop scraper mat designed for wet areas including locker rooms, shower rooms, and around pools.

  • Spaghetti-like design filters dirt and moisture away from the surface


The Frontier mat is an unbacked vinyl-loop scraper mat designed for wet areas including locker rooms, shower rooms, and around pools.

Additional information

Weight N/A

Dark Grey


2' x 3', 3' x 5', 3' x 10', 3' x 60', 4' x 6', 4' x 60', 4' x 8'


No, Yes

Recommended for use in wet areas where additional traction is needed, especially in locker rooms, shower rooms, and around pools and spas.

For the best results, utilize the following cleaning method to clean your Frontier mat:

  1. Pick up mat and shake out soil and debris.
  2. Scrub with deck brush when needed, using a detergent with a neutral pH.
  3. Rinse with hose or pressure washer.
  4. Hang mat to dry.

Material: Extruded loop PVC (vinyl)
Weight: 96 ounces/yard2
Thickness: 3/8 inch

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